Shelby’s Share: Criminal Justice Reform in Harrisonburg
Post by Shelby Taraba, Madison Center JMU Engagement Fellow, '18-'19 On Monday October 15th, Faith in Action gathered at the corner of E. Market Street and High Street in preparation for their march to Memorial Hall for the Criminal Community Justice Board Meeting to...
Building Authentic and Democratic Community Partnerships: A view from engagement fellow Alexandra Conis
Post by Alexandra Conis, JMU Engagement Fellow '18-'19 The James Madison University(JMU) engagement fellowship is a new initiative meant to provide recent graduates with the means to give back to JMU and to the community. A fellowship is different from an internship;...
Democracy or Democratic Institutions in Peril?
Post by Eric Kaufmann, Chair of the Legislative Action Committee, SGA This week I had the opportunity to see former Republican Congressman Eric Cantor present to members of the JMU community as part of the JMU series, “Democracy in Peril?” Cantor, the former House...
This House Comes with a Pipeline and Contaminated Water
Post by Anna Connole, Democracy Fellow On Wednesday September 26th, Diversity Education Empowerment Program (D.E.E.P) Impact* held a dialogue on environmental racism, which refers to socially marginalized racial minority communities which are subjected to...
United Way Community Tour
JMU Engagement Fellows join United Way's Community Tour on September 19, 2018 to learn about challenges faced by vulnerable populations in Harrisonburg and the community agencies and organizations that serve them. Post by Shelby Taraba, James Madison Center for Civic...
JMU’s Special Obligation to the Constitution
Post by Anna Connole “If you’re associated with @JMU, you have a special obligation to know something about the Constitution.” "People who are more knowledgeable about our government, more knowledgeable about our Constitution, probably are going to be better citizens,...