The Basics
Site URL: | |
Who: | American Chemical Society Chemistry Ambassadors |
What: | ACS has come up with a guide to becoming a resource in the classroom, including planning classroom visits, how to discuss topics with children, and sample activities and demonstrations to do with students. |
Why: | Educating people about chemistry to improve public awareness about science. |
Cost: | Free |
Log-In Needed: | No |
Planning Your Visit & Presenting to Young Audiences
These sections are useful for professors who don’t have any experience doing outreach with students. These ideas can also be tweaked for high school teachers to take their students to a neighboring elementary or middle school to do activities with younger students. Service learning research has shown benefits for both older and younger students in this type of situation.
Sample Demonstrations and Safety Guides
These activities are geared for younger students, but many could be adapted for all levels. The range from more craft like activities to full lesson plans.