Sophie Thein
James Madison University, Senior Writing Rhetoric and Technical Communications
The following is the gathered works from the semester of Fall 2018 for the Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communications major. Discussing works according to category of title. Organization shows achievements from the finish to the start.

Assess the content, style, and audience focus of digital storytelling artifacts
Analyze the various genres, micro-genres, platforms, trends, tools, and ethics of digital storytelling
Dimensions of Learning
Creativity, Originality, Imagination
Stories can only tell so much with words. This class helped me to understand the values of using visuals to help an audience understand a story better. When preparing for the academic remix project, we played around shorthand to show a day in the life of something or someone. I had no idea on how to show a day in my life with pictures that were able to progress the “story” smoothly. In the our class we had a day where we discussed photo taking and photo editing as a tool to shape a picture to tell a story. After doing the shorthand assignment, I looked through my peers finished products and saw some things that I could have done better. I realized that observing how others take on an assignment and create their final projects I am able to take in some of the skills and strategies that they used and incorporating it into a project that is still my own but growing the knowledge and skills I had to do the assignment.

Confidence and Independence
I had no idea what to expect when I first walked into this class. When I was told that this class was more of an independent creative learning style I was nervous but also quite excited. I loved working with digital media and was intrigued with what we were going to be getting into. However, with knowing my luck, I was afraid of attempting creativity on my own because I felt insecure about a lot of my projects. Using the “I like, I wish, I wonder” eased my mind a bit because it allowed for my peers and I to critique each other’s projects in a way that is helpful rather than harmful. With the first Instagram assignment we did in class to practice using the platform, we were in groups. I was very hesitant to give my input on how to film certain locations or people. I wasn’t confident enough that my peers would not fully reject or even say “that’s a bad idea”. When we began our major Instagram assignment, I then felt more confident in working with a classmate by stating things in a “I wonder” format.
The main difficulty I had with this class is trying to write observations relating to digital storytelling and keeping up with it. I originally didn’t understand what I could type up as an observation but after a couple explanations in each class I figured out that I was to write about anything that I observed that could correlate back to creating digital stories. At first, I would observe things that we did in class like the wallet assignment where I learned to receive feedback and think from the perspective of the client. I then used this skill during my mini internship where the small makeup company encompasses a type of online persona and having to gain the information to embody that same persona and manage their social media content.
