by ludwigpm | Jan 16, 2014 | Assignment Prompts, Written Assignment Prompts
Interview 3 “experts” in the fields that relate to the BBQ. Ask them to answer the BBQ in 1 minute. Record their responses, create transcripts of each answer, then create a 1 minute written answer of your own, based on the interviews. *this post does...
by ludwigpm | Jan 13, 2014 | Assignment Prompts, Mash-up Assignment Prompts
Google History Map Story – annotate a Google map with details regarding the answer of the BBQ. The only rules are that you have to use Google Maps proper in order to tell the story- the map by itself should tell a story. You will need to create a map under “My...
by ludwigpm | Jan 13, 2014 | Assignment Prompts, Mash-up Assignment Prompts
Scientists using Social Media – Use the Fakebook tool to make a Facebook profiles for a historical scientist involved in research for the BBQ. Create posts and make fake tweets that answer the BBQ using the Twister tool. See for Abaraham Lincoln the example of a fake...
by ludwigpm | Jan 13, 2014 | Assignment Prompts, Video Assignment Prompt
Return to the Silent Era – the dawn of cinema had no audio; silent movies created an atmosphere with music and the use of cue cards. Create a 3-5 minute silent movie that answers the BBQ. *this post DOES need an explanatory paragraph*
by ludwigpm | Jan 13, 2014 | Assignment Prompts, Video Assignment Prompt
A word, a picture, a story – chose 5-10 words that answer the BBQ. Do a Google image search on these words, compile these images in video form and write a story that answers the BBQ through these words and pictures. *this post does NOT need an explanatory...