by ludwigpm | Apr 25, 2014 | Visual Assignment Prompts
Using overlapping circles (Venn Diagrams) depict key relationships between aspects of the answer to your BBQ. You can use as many circles as you want as long as you explain each intersection area and how it relates to the answer to your BBQ. **This post requires...
by ludwigpm | Mar 19, 2014 | Assignment Prompts, Mash-up Assignment Prompts
Bracket madness takes over during the month of March. Create an image of a bracket (or flow chart) that depicts how you determined the answer to the BBQ. Highlight how segments of the bracket moved on or were eliminated as parts of the BBQ answer. The bracket...
by ludwigpm | Mar 19, 2014 | Assignment Prompts, Audio Assignment Prompts
BackStory is a public radio program & podcast that brings historical perspective to the events happening around us today. On each show, renowned U.S. historians Ed Ayers, Peter Onuf, and Brian Balogh tear a topic from the headlines and explore historical...
by ludwigpm | Mar 19, 2014 | Assignment Prompts, Video Assignment Prompt
Create a 10-15 minute infomercial that answers the BBQ as it also attempts to sell the viewer on some aspect of the BBQ answer. Create clever ways to highlight the sources used to develop the content as you work to convince the reader to “buy” into the...
by ludwigpm | Mar 19, 2014 | Assignment Prompts, Written Assignment Prompts
Draft a BBQ Potty Mouth in the spirit of the JMU Potty Mouth series found in the bathroom stalls throughout our campus. Your BBQ Potty Mouth should boast at least 6 articles (with catchy titles) and 1 Potty Mouth by Number segment that together answer the BBQ. ...