Getting to Know You [Example Post #3]

Kendall Gilman   Who Am I? Hello!  And welcome.  My name is Kendall.  I am an enthusiastic graphic designer, website designer, and photographer.  Richmond, Virginia is where I’m from, but Harrisonburg becomes more like home every day.  I am currently...

Who Am I? [Post Example #1]

Post Example #1 – Mash-up – Who Am I?   Who Am I? My names is Mallory O’Shea and I am a media fellow for GBIO 103 Contemporary Biology taught by Dr. Carol Hurney. I am a senior at James Madison University (source=, I will...

Cosmo Quiz

Are you or are you not the best answer to the BBQ?  Using the idea of quizzes found in magazines like Cosmo or those quizzes you find on Facebook, craft a quiz experience that helps the reader determine the answer to the BBQ. This post does not require an explanatory...