Written Assignment Prompts
Written Assignment: Love Letter
Write a passionate, pleading love letter from one component of the BBQ answer to another. Use flowery and figurative language - the language of love to answer the BBQ. *This post does NOT need an explanatory paragraph.*
Written Assignment: Potty Mouth
Draft a BBQ Potty Mouth in the spirit of the JMU Potty Mouth series found in the bathroom stalls throughout our campus. Your BBQ Potty Mouth should boast at least 6 articles (with catchy titles) and 1 Potty Mouth by Number segment that together answer the BBQ. ...
Written Assignment: Gimme a Minute
Interview 3 "experts" in the fields that relate to the BBQ. Ask them to answer the BBQ in 1 minute. Record their responses, create transcripts of each answer, then create a 1 minute written answer of your own, based on the interviews. *this post does NOT need an...
Written Assignment: The way it should have been
The way it should have been – the answers to some BBQs just don’t turn out as expected. Create a blog post (with links to sources) that outlines and debunks some of the prevailing societal misconceptions regarding the BBQ. *this post does NOT need an explanatory...
Written Assignment: The Onion Article
The Onion Article - The Onion is a satirical publication that pokes fun at a variety of issues and stories. Write an article in the style of the Onion poking some fun at the answer to the BBQ. *this post does NOT need an explanatory...
Written Assignment: Back to the future
Back to the future – draft a news story highlighting the current state of understanding of the BBQ making predictions what the future holds for this area of biological research. *this post does NOT need an explanatory paragraph*
Written Assignment: Tarantino the answer to the BBQ
Tarantino the answer to the BBQ – write the answer to your BBQ similar to some of Quenten Taratino’s films – start the answer with the end of the story, working back to the beginning. *this post does NOT need an explanatory paragraph*