Video Assignment Prompt
Video Assignment: Game Show!
Create a mock-game show where you and your teammates play the contestants, host, and audience where the game explores and highlights the answer to the BBQ. This post does not need an explanatory paragraph.
Video Assignment: Infomercial
Create a 10-15 minute infomercial that answers the BBQ as it also attempts to sell the viewer on some aspect of the BBQ answer. Create clever ways to highlight the sources used to develop the content as you work to convince the reader to "buy" into the answer of...
Video Assignment: Return to the Silent Era
Return to the Silent Era – the dawn of cinema had no audio; silent movies created an atmosphere with music and the use of cue cards. Create a 3-5 minute silent movie that answers the BBQ. *this post DOES need an explanatory paragraph*
Video Assignment: A word, a picture, a story
A word, a picture, a story - chose 5-10 words that answer the BBQ. Do a Google image search on these words, compile these images in video form and write a story that answers the BBQ through these words and pictures. *this post does NOT need an explanatory...
Video Assignment: Redub the audio
Redub the audio – take a scene from any movie you like and rescript the audio to answer the BBQ. *this post DOES need an explanatory paragraph*
Video Assignment: Public Service Announcement
Public Service Announcement – create a video public service announcement to promote the answer to the BBQ. You can be as serious or silly as you want. *this post does NOT need an explanatory paragraph*
Video Assignment: Music Video
Music Video – use the music from a favorite song or come up with your own music to create a music video that answers the BBQ. *this post does NOT need an explanatory paragraph*
Video Assignment: Have a conversation with yourself
Have a conversation with yourself - Have a conversation with yourself! Film members of your group talking, then change clothes, hair styles, etc and then film the other half of the convo with the same group members. Edit this in any movie editor program to overlap...
Video Assignment: What do pets think about?
What do pets think about? – Your pet dog, cat, turtle and snake spends a lot of time with you. Maybe they know some of the answers to the more perplexing BBQs we are trying to answer. Create a series of video sequences of your pets in various moods, then record...
Video Assignment: Self Documentary
Self Documentary – Create a video documentary to delve into how the BBQ and its answer relates to some aspect of your life, members of your family, friends, or team members. *this post does NOT need an explanatory paragraph*