Economy and Material Culture

There are quite a few of references to money. There are references to 30 mangoes, in particular. It appears that there is some hidden joke about 30 mangoes being all about money and being homosexual. There is also a reference to “30 pesos” in regards to the Pamela hat. The number 30 “resonates with optimism.” This is interesting because the lyrics Ave Maria correlate with this play and the optimistic meaning of the number 30.

English Translation:

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou among women,

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

Pray for us sinners,

Now and in the hour of our death. Amen.


Related image   Image result for pamela hat

Materialistic things, such as the Pamela Hat was a sign of one’s wealth in Argentina. The hat originated in the late 1800’s and evolved over the years. It is described as very feminine.

In the beginning of the play, Maria and Nato are having a conversation regarding to his wife, working hard to buy him drinks for 50 cents each. The plays also mentioned that she gets paid 5 to 6 pesos a day, working at the cabaret.

Image result for alcoholic drink