Written by: Emmanuel Suarez
Edited by: Sean McCarthy
As a class of freshman students walked into their first day of GWRTC class, there was a seemingly mutual expectation of what was to come of the Writing class; there would likely be a large amount of assigned written essays required to finish in a weekly basis. However, to the class’ surprise, the class changed into a course that promoted a more creative approach: a class that focused on the use of multimedia to express writing based on their interests.
As the class split into groups based on categorical interests, I found it difficult to decide on a single subject. I knew that I wanted to have my final project to focus on producing a video. Suddenly it hit me; given that our class is the only freshman writing class in JMU to be conducting the class in this unique way, I decided to be the one in the class to document how our class has progressed and how we are learning the same valuable skills that a typical writing class would. I wanted to make the argument that learning to use multimedia not only prepares us just as well (if not, better) for post-graduation and in real-world applications as a normal GWRTC class, but it also allows us to develop as writers.
For the following video sections, each video presents the class’ perspective based on a different focus about the class; I also include my own input (in text) on my thoughts of each idea prior to the video. The first video follows the theme of the class’ expectations of the course before it began as well as what their final project was going to be about. The second video focuses on the class development and how the class planned to write their project through a certain media. Lastly, the third video is centralized on my argument through the class’ point of view: that writing through multimedia can teach us very important skills that a regular GWRTC class can provide and in some ways more important skills.
The class began the year in a typical manner and it seemed to follow the idea of “the internet is changing our society in a negative way.” We read articles making arguments ranging from “how the internet is making people lazy” to “the internet is limiting information we can receive.” After a few weeks of the seemingly repetitive subject, the class quickly lost interest in the topic. As a class, we collectively came up with ideas of what we wanted to write about based on genre, subject, and type of media. The class seemed to be interested in subjects ranging from sports, to music, to food, and so on. After several classes of planning, we decided to step foot into the field of Multimedia and create an online magazine featuring the individual projects of each student.
As a class, we believe that we not only learn similar writing skills as a typical GWRTC class would, but we would arguably learn more important material that would be useful to the modern world. As a class, we conduct research from valid sources for our topics, create multiple drafts, exercise proofreading and editing skills, learn how to make writing more captivating and interesting to readers, and analyze articles/essays written by others. Furthermore, we also learn how to use a vast range of technologies such as cameras, movie editing software, Wiki pages, blogging, and other forms multimedia.
In all, the class was a journey that I am thankful for having the privilege of being a part of. The class taught me a large range of skills that I know will become useful to me in the future. I have learned many different forms of multimedia, how to make proper and valid research, and how to make myself become a better writer. The class grew together through the thick and thin, but what was important was that we worked very well together as a class. What makes the class special is that every student, in some way or another, has made an important contribution to the final product that the class accomplished.
Works Cited (from images used in video):
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