Tinkercad Final Project

Finalizing the Design

Before printing, I needed to finalize the design for my buildable rose. To that end, I worked to create the connectors that would allow the print to work as intended, and this led me to reiterate the design as a whole.

The reason for this is twofold: I felt the previous design was cluttered, and as well as being ugly, this made it difficult to place the ball and socket joints. I decided that the functionality of the print came first, and taking a minimalist approach, I tried to reduce the rose into as few objects as possible. In the end, I created a design I’m happy with. The following pictures are the individual components of the final design.

(A photo of all my child- I mean components together.)

When the time came for me to print the rose, I decided to lay all the objects flat and make the connectors, i.e. the most important parts of the print, the highest. This is the final result of my design (much of the support was still attached at the time of this photo):

To my pleasure, it printed first try.

WilL yU0 Acc3Pt THi5 R0sE???


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